Company legislation requires businesses to perform several administration tasks that take up a lot of valuable company time. The last thing you need as a business owner is to be stressed out trying to ensure you comply with the Corporations Law. The possible threat of penalties for failing to keep up with the changing rules is too great a risk to take.
At KP Partners we can relieve this burden for you through our company secretary services, which includes:
Please contact us for further information on how we can help you get back to running your business.
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At KP Partners we are committed to forming close partnerships with you by really listening so that we understand your unique situation and customise our advice according to your requirements. We explain complex tax laws into clear and simple terminology and provide reports and advice that aim to help your wealth and business prosper and grow.
Our commitment to excellence is evident in our hardworking team of qualified Accountants and enthusiastic administration personnel. Our passion to serve our clients means you get a friendly team of professionals eager to use their experience and expertise to help you succeed!